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Module 3.0


Review HTML Forms.

HTML forms are used to create one-line textboxes, scrolling textboxes (text areas), checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-down menus and push buttons.

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

One-line textbox:

Scrolling textbox: 


Radio button:

Drop-down menu:

Push button:

If any of these features of forms are unfamiliar, please review HTML forms.

Module 3.1

= Thing.

The actual object used is called the instance.

Property = Characteristic.
Properties can have values.

Method = Action.
Methods can have arguments which are values.

Event = Object's Response to an  Action.

* Parenthesis ( ) are used to hold the ARGUMENTS of a Method or the PARAMETERS of an Event. (Argument and Parameter are somewhat synonymous in ASP.)

Objects, Properties, Methods and Events.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in ASP attempts to represent the web browser's world in everyday, real-world concepts or objects.


An Object is a thing. A Property is a characteristic (of the Object). A Method is an action (the Object can perform). An Event is the Object's response to an action.


Using a real-world example, we have a Hand Object (thing) that has a Finger Property (characteristic) that has a Wave Method (action).


A hand with a long finger is described by the following syntax: 
Hand.Finger = "long"
  Long is the value of the Finger Property. Notice that the period or dot notation serves as a separator.


This syntax tells the hand to wave fast:

Hand.Wave("fast")  Fast is an argument or value of the Wave Method*

(Note: JavaScript code in blue is used below as an example. The concepts are still the same.)

In     document.bgColor = "blue"     the document Object has a bgColor Property with a blue value.


In     document.write("Hello Everyone!")    the document Object has a write Method with a string argument.

It will take time for OOP to become familiar and easy. For now, see some of the objects in the VBSLR. Note that these objects are for VBScript and different from the seven, built-in ASP objects below.

Module 3.2

Seven Built-in ASP Objects in Brief

1. Server Object: Represents some properties and methods of the web server.

2. Application Object: Allows web pages within a site to act as a single ASP application.

3. Session Object: Uniquely represents each visitor accessing the ASP application.

4. Request Object: Used by the visitor to request information from the web server.

5. Response Object: Used by the web server to send output in response to the visitor's information request.

6. ObjectContext Object: An advanced tool used with Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) to build scalable applications from components.

7. ASPError Object: Holds ASP script and asp.dll error messages.

Please read, paraphrase and outline chapter six of the course textbook. All quiz questions this week will come directly from chapter six. It is highly recommended that you collaborate with your online colleagues if you are uncertain about the best answer to a quiz questions.


Module 3.3


Exercise 3.


  1. Work through the Telephone Object Example in chapter six of your course textbook. Follow the directions in the textbook.
  2. Visit all the links shown in this lesson and define any new vocabulary terms using the course textbook and the VBSLR.
  3. Read, paraphrase and outline chapter six of the course textbook.
  4. Take notes on this week’s materials and paraphrase it in your own words.



Module 3.4


Quiz 3.


  1. Chapter six question about the Server Object.
  2. Chapter six question about the Application Object.
  3. Chapter six question about the Session Object.
  4. Chapter six question about the Request and Response Objects.
  5. Chapter six question about the ObjectContext and ASPError Objects.