Student Menu. © Lesson 1. Printable layout. Links won't function in print.
Reference also available |
Go to
default.htm with Internet Explorer (IE) 5+. Bookmark the site,
visiting all its JScript links and read the JScript FAQ. Download
and install the language reference (JSDOC.exe 473KB) Go to Start > Program
> Microsoft Windows Script > JScript V5.1 Documentation.
Read the JScript Tutorial. |
Module 1.1
Evolution of Mark-up
Mark-up is formatting—like bold or italics—added to a document to manage
its appearance. |
Limitations of HTML and the Advantages of Scripting.
With JavaScript and JScript you can create:
1.3 |
Web Browsers and Scripting Standards. A great frustration with web scripting has been the lack of standards by web browser like Netscape’s Navigator or Communicator and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE). HTML has a standards organization called the World Wide Web Consortium or W3. JavaScript and JScript also have a standards organization called the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA). Its goal is to foster a reliable scripting standard and both Netscape and Microsoft have pledged future version compliance. The scripting standard is called ECMAScript which is based upon Netscape’s JavaScript version 1.1 and Microsoft’s JScript version 2.0. As JavaScript and JScript reach full compliance with ECMAScript Standards, their inconsistencies in Netscape and IE browsers will diminish and a vendor-neutral, scripting language will hopefully emerge on the Web. More on this later . . . |
Module 1.4 |
JavaScript/JScript Editors. JavaScript, JScript and HTML may be edited in any text editor like NotePad (Start > Programs > Accessories > NotePad). Visual Interdev contains a set of convenient tools and utilities and is Microsoft’s preferred script editor. Others include FrontPage, Allaire’s Homesite, Macromedia’s UltraDev and the free (send a postcard) Edit Pad which is downloadable from (Do a Quick Search for the words Edit Pad or JavaScript.) |
Module 1.5 |
Exercise 1.
Module 1.6 |
Quiz 1.